
1)  Marijuana is a gateway drug to other drug abuse. MOST ALL Heroin users report using marijuana and/or prescription drugs before moving on to heroin. 

2) Marijuana contains about 500 components. THC in marijuana produces the “high” users seek. In 1983 the THC level in marijuana was about 4%. Today THC levels have been found to be as high as 40%. THC is responsible for most of the negative and dangerous effects such as:

  • Decreased ability to remember, recall events or
    Shift attention from one thing to the next. 

  • Disruption in coordination and balance which regulate balance, posture, coordination and reaction time

  • Increased risk of heart attack

  • 50-70% more carcinogens in the smoke than tobacco smoke

  • Significant link to mental illness, especially schizophrenia and psychosis

  • Reduction in IQ by as much as 8 points among people who started using marijuana before age 18

  • A risk of car crash in users that is double that of nonusers.

  • One out of six users will become addicts if start before age 15; one in 10 after 15

  • Effects can last up to 28 days after abstinence from the drug. 

3) The brain is developing until age 25; marijuana on a developing brain is detrimental.