
Here is the latest feature of our new website - Email Subscriptions!   Now you can subscribe to get notified every time new information is added to the website.  To sign up go to the LCAT home page and enter your email address in the Subscribe field and hit Subscribe.   If you were already on the LCAT mailing list you have automatically been added to this list.   If for any reason you decided to no longer receive updates, go back to the LCAT home page, enter your email address and hit the Unsubscribe button. Because of this added feature we are now able to provide news from law enforcement and other agencies on new trends and hazards facing our teens.   Just this week we have found out about a new way that meth is packaged to attract a younger clientele and how 12 year olds are resorting to a cheep high by abusing inhalants.  Feel free to invite anyone who would be interested in this type of information.